SABPA OC/LA 17th Annual Biomedical Forum
This exciting forum by SABPA OC/LA will bring you the l...
Dr. Huang, Chao Hui
AI, ML and Their Roles in Drug Discovery
- Current AI trend in biomedical applications
Dr. Huang is a Senior Principal Scientist, Image Analyst with Pfizer ORD. Dr. Huang has been focusing on the areas of the microscopic image, medical image, and big unconstructed data analysis, such as biomedical image analysis, pathological image analysis, immunohistochemistry (IHC) data analysis, in-vivo image analysis, and high-content screening (HCS). Dr. Huang has also been involved in bioinformatics and lab automation, with impressive capabilities in applied mathematics, statistical analysis, computer vision, machine intelligence, and deep learning.
Dec 17 (Sat), 2022
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Zoom meeting (online only)
Free Registration
click here
Email: Sabpa.ocla@gmail.com